Does Your Swimming Pool / Spa Actually Have a Leak?
Is your water level dropping more than 1/4″ daily?
All swimming pools and spas lose water through the natural evaporation process. Interestingly, any two bodies of water with the same chemical makeup, temperature and environmental conditions should lose water to evaporation at the same exact rate.
It is completely normal to lose up to ¼” or more of water daily due to evaporation. Water loss from evaporation can and does happen in the winter time also.
At Aquatrace, we recognize and appreciate the value of a dollar, especially in today’s time. And we understand that you didn’t wake up this morning expecting to contract for our services.
As much as we appreciate your business, let’s see if you are actually in need of our services.
Is your water level dropping more than 1/4″ daily?
All swimming pools and spas lose water through the natural evaporation process. Interestingly, any two bodies of water with the same chemical makeup, temperature and environmental conditions should lose water to evaporation at the same exact rate.
It is completely normal to lose up to ¼” or more of water daily due to evaporation. Water loss from evaporation can and does happen in the winter time also.
At Aquatrace, we recognize and appreciate the value of a dollar, especially in today’s time. And we understand that you didn’t wake up this morning expecting to contract for our services.
As much as we appreciate your business, let’s see if you are actually in need of our services.
Food for Thought
Most pools are only water tight at and below the normal fill line
When you add water to your pool, there is typically a water fill line that you stop at. Many times, this fill line is approximately the center line of your skimmer mouth opening.
When a pool is filled excessively above this line, whether by water hose or rain, it is not uncommon to see this water level quickly drop back down to normal. This does not necessarily mean that a leak is present.
However, if your water level drops below this norma fill line, a leak may be present.
Does your water level consistently drop below the halfway point of your skimmer mouth or below your normal fill line?
How much is your water level dropping daily?
Not Quite Sure?
You Can Perform This Simple Evaporation Test
Have you heard of the bucket test? It is by far one of the easiest tests that you as a pool / spa owner can do to determine if an appointment with Aquatrace is needed. Just grab your 5 gallon bucket, click the link below and let’s get started!
At Aquatrace, We Guarantee Results
Our Guarantee?
We Will Find Your Leak, or Our Service is Free
We guarantee that we will isolate the location of your leak, or your service call is free. We provide this guarantee under the following conditions…
Your pool / spa is losing ½” or more daily
Your pool / spa water level is at normal operating level
No pool / spa water heating systems are operating
We reserve the right to allow for additional visits as required should water loss beyond evaporation still be present after our initial visit
This guarantee is for residential customers only
This guarantee does not apply if your water loss is less than ½” daily or if your pool is over filled. We do provide our leak detection services for pools and spas that lose less than ½”daily, but we cannot guarantee that a leak will be present for us to find.

Food for Thought
Most pools are only water tight at and below the normal fill line
When you add water to your pool, there is typically a water fill line that you stop at. Many times, this fill line is approximately the center line of your skimmer mouth opening.
When a pool is filled excessively above this line, whether by water hose or rain, it is not uncommon to see this water level quickly drop back down to normal. This does not necessarily mean that a leak is present.
However, if your water level drops below this norma fill line, a leak may be present.
Does your water level consistently drop below the halfway point of your skimmer mouth or below your normal fill line?
How much is your water level dropping daily?

Not Quite Sure?
You Can Perform This Simple Evaporation Test
Have you heard of the bucket test? It is by far one of the easiest tests that you as a pool / spa owner can do to determine if an appointment with Aquatrace is needed. Just grab your 5 gallon bucket, click the link below and let’s get started!
At Aquatrace, We Guarantee Results

Our Guarantee?
We Will Find Your Leak, or Our Service is Free
We guarantee that we will isolate the location of your leak, or your service call is free. We provide this guarantee under the following conditions…
Your pool / spa is losing ½” or more daily
Your pool / spa water level is at normal operating level
No pool / spa water heating systems are operating
We reserve the right to allow for additional visits as required should water loss beyond evaporation still be present after our initial visit
This guarantee is for residential customers only